Rejuvenate your skin the affordable way

Winter is upon us which means dry patchy skin amongst other concerns. For me I find that my skin is usually at its worst in the winter because it gets constantly beaten by the elements. However, one thing I did find that works for me is to incorporate Argan Oil into my skincare routine. It’s a super moisturizing and thick oil that also combats anti-aging. Depending on the severity of my skin I might use it as a nighttime serum or mix a few drops in with my daytime serum. I’m a big fan of Josie Maran’s Argan Oil it’s in a large bottle, but it goes a long way. BONUS: It can also be used on your cuticles AND your split ends. It really is a necessity in your Regimen.

For those of you who are big fans of all natural at home remedies this one is for you. To create a cheap detoxifying and cleansing face mask i’ve been combining 1/2 tsp of Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay and two capsules of Activated Charcoal pills (mix with 1 1/2 tsp of water.) Both of which can be found on The purpose of this mask is to remove dirt from your pores as well as helps to eliminate blackheads, and clear up pimples. One thing to note, when the mask begins drying on your skin it does start getting uncomfortably itchy but i promise if you stick with it for 20 minutes you won’t be sorry. Once you rinse the mask with warm water you can feel the difference right away, your skin feels tighter and detoxed. When you wake up the next day you feel as if you have slept with an incredible serum on, your skin feels like velvet. Thank me later!